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Mechanical testing

The SMC laboratory has a unique and remarkable set of mechanical testing machines at the national level, which allows it to understand the monotonic or long-term mechanical behavior of structural elements or  materials at different scales and under different environmental  conditions.


Tensile testing machines

Five hydraulic or electromechanical machines with capacities of 100, 250, 300, 600, and 2500 kN allow us to carry out R&D and certification tests (standardized tests) on various samples such as reinforced or prestressed concrete reinforcement, composites, metal assemblies, etc.

This equipment offers possibilities for adaptations to perform a wide range of tests: compression, 3-point bending, fatigue, etc. A sixth test bench with a capacity of 300 kN is dedicated to deviated tension testing on strands.

Video extensometer system

Several of our testing machines are equipped with a video extensometer system, which performs contactless strain measurements. Our systems are  calibrated to class 1 and have a resolution of a few microns.


Thermal chamber on press

The thermal chamber can be positioned on different tensile testing machines in the laboratory and allows for instrumented mechanical  investigations at different temperatures.

The maximum testing  temperature of the currently available chamber is 120°C. However, it is possible to extend this temperature level for specific needs.

Relaxation Creep

In the context of research work and certification of prestressing steel,  the SMC laboratory carries out relaxation tests on prestressing steel  (wires, strands, and bars). The relaxation test consists in applying an initial load on a specimen and measuring its decrease under constant strain. Several devices are available with maximum capacity ranging  from 100 kN to 1800 kN.

The laboratory also works on the issue of creep (evolution of displacement or deformation under constant load) and has several testing machines of different capacities (with a maximum  capacity ranging from 10 kN to 250 kN) for this purpose.